Some pics of Matina and I on another one of our marathon bike rides. Today saw us depart my place in Thornbury and ride to Werribe (can't spell anyway its a big sewer!) to visit her mum. 54.9km. And have to say over the past 6 weeks I have gone from a c cup to a b cup! Hope i got that right i think b is smaller than c, yeah?

It was a delightful ride. Headed into the city - rested at Fed Sq, watched a really bad performance sponsored by ANZ for the swimming comp on here! Fuck I wish ANZ would stop sponsoring bad public events. Then it was off down southbank on the "bike" path to the westgate bridge where we caught this awesome wee motorised punt that takes peds and bikes across the river so we can ride to Williamstown. 3 bucks what a fucking bargin! Was very fun ended up with wet feet from the waves of the bigger boats splashing onto the punt

On the otherside (approx. 8 mins later) were back on the bikes on another path to Williamstown - once there it was a caffine hit and back on the bikes through the industrial landscape - The beautifully ugly oxymoronic.

After riding fucking miles and with only an entrance to a freeway bound for Geelong we opted to catch a train from Altona to Hoppers Crossing then back on the bikes for another 10mins to Matinas ma's house only to find the bitch NOT home. So then back on the bikes to try and track her down. matina and I ended up having a beer at this pokie club/bar which is part of a fucking shopping centre! freaky is all i can say - anyway rode bake to her ma's house and she was home this was 2 hours after we arrived.

Hung there for while then we had decided to train it all the way home to thornbury which would have been about an hour with s change at flinders st. At yarravile matina starts suggesting that we ride from the city back to mine - as she was feeling like a cheat so i go ok and said well lets get of at kensington or north melb so we dont have to ride through the city - as we are pulling into nth melb we see 3 inspectors ready to board the train - thank fuk we got off as we have expired tickets

anyway it nearly killed us riding the last leg of the 54k's but am 200 bucks richer!

check out the name of the street