all we did was drink; oh, and go to exhibition opening so we could drink; i think since giving up smoking i have taken up alcohol; not a good look so i am told; i think i am hilarious; apparently not; that's panayiota copping another dyke comment from graham; heheheheh
the photo to follow was taken down at the kite flying park on the east side of st kilda beach; it's probably elwood; i can't be sure; panayiota and i rode there from thornbury to fly our kites; was ace; these guys were flying these huge kites; practicing for kite surfing and skating; i took this photo as i really loved the how feeling; i must confess it doesn't capture what i was feeling
here we are at stingos fag pub on hoddle st in the beer garden drinking $10 jugs of rum and ginger; it's a monday eve; brendons birthday; brendon and graham's last eve in melbored; we went for dinner at thy thy's in richmond; all quite drunk; panayiota went tot he toilet and was rammed by a waitress exiting the kitchen who ended up spilling some kind of liquid down the front leg of her jeans; thinking nothing of it she continued on; later that night se noticed a powdery substance whenre the "water" had hit her leg' thinking it was bi-carb she continued on; throwing them in the wash when she got home; then hanging them out she had noticed that where the "water" or "bi-carb" had landed on her jeans had eaten the fabric away; see her blog for pics; go to link on my blog titked RUSTY
brendon with his arse hanging out outside the laird
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