Sunday, March 16, 2008

day fifty six

god it simply has been too long since i posted anything; have been flat out; and not in mind set to sit down & compose entries; but my have things changed; procrastination of a different sort; hmmm now blogging is more important than being in the studio; well for the time being; that being now!

A few pics of things passed by; i took this wonderful pic in a $2 shop on smith street collingwood; met up with matina for breakfast; she'd been up all night partying; arh the things one gets up to when one is hung over

my minging tonsils; although they are not infected for this photo; have been on waiting list for over 18 months to have them removed; not so sure i want them removed; as it may hinder my ability to proved good _ _ _ _

matina and her daughter, ashley; my god daughter; no, she isn't named after her godfather; oh lazy late summer afternoons in delightful beer gardens in ole melbored town

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