exhibition opening went well; knackered all the same; full on day/eve; great thing about getting on it early is that one is in bed early; think i made it to 11pm before collapsing, and not on my face
nerves were at an all time high (drunk as hell as well) whilst riding in cab to the gallery with a atomiser of piss that sat in front of the fire all night; some leaked in the cab; reason - needed to re "wet" the pig hide with piss; as i had pissed on it sunday night before the opening thinking it wouldn't dry out before the opening; alas it did; and as it was strung up i couldn't piss on it directly; so thanks to the atomiser it received a good drenching while my mates distracted the gallery attendant; floor copped a bit too;
nate & graeme all het up on beer at the opening; was good having the lads around
steve raving on; or is he singing hymns; i am not sure