am pissed off; phone call; kwang soo; his work have cancelled his visa; fuckers; what absolute twats!; the whole thing has been a debarkel; i guess it goes with the territoy; what fucks me off even more is their pseudo concern; like fuck they are concerned; dolls; i feel for kwang soo; it has been hard for him here; even though we are not together; he is still a dear friend; i only wish him well; and wished that some cunt would give him a break; kwang soo turned up on australian soil on a tourist visa back in may 2004; billing everything to his credit card; quite similar to me!(lol); i remember rocking up to korea will ten dollars to my name that i happen to borrow from luella at the airport; alas my situation was much, much different; he left his house in korea one morning; not telling his family; met his friend, song jin; who accompanied him to the airport; then he flew to sydney; bad boy; he loved it here; he had to go back to korea; tourist visa expired; applied and received a working holiday visa; returned to australia; october 2004; very hard time finding work; finally a break; got a job boiling rice in a factory for ten dollars and hour; cash in hand; fuck!; he's legal; still he's asian; so illegal manual bullshit is all he could get at the time; they even made him work boxing day; australia day; and many other public holidays; same pay; he finally got to give 'em the flick three months later; scored a better job at angels dreaming; a wedding/events company; making hand made invitations; fuck i can't believe they cancelled his visa!; indian givers!; he worked on his working holiday visa for three months with angels dreamin; told them of his work restrictions; they re-employed him under another of their company names; told him they wanted to sponsor him so he could work for them; that was back last december; on various occasions; i emailed his boss with links to australian immigration website; downloaded information booklets, application forms and other related material; gave it all to kwang soo; he gave it to them; nothing happened for four months; march 2005 i emailed his work again; nothing happened; kwang soo and i broke up in april; april-july our relationship was volatile; HE'S AT THE DOOR; HAVE TO GO
kwang soo and i; sca; rozelle; sydney; the very first day he arrived; may 2004

auch; he is taking it well; god love him; he came over; we went to campsie; he bought a taste of korea; cooked me dinner; talked; rented a movie; went over to nathans; watched it; at kwang soo's house; i called his boss; wanted to set up a meeting; hopefully negotiate something; she (ruba, his boss); declined; saying she had done everything she could; i advised her that she obviously hadn't read ANY of the documents before agreeing to, and sponsoring kwang soo; the problem is; a requirement of the employer who is sponsoring shall pay the employee a minimum of AUD$39,300; they are not willing to do that; hence, canceling his visa; mind you; they haven't paid a cent into his pension plan; advised them that if they paid his pension that that would bring the sponsorship into adherence; she won't have a bar of it; fucking dog; so what ever happens i'm gunna make sure he gets his superannuation when he finally has to leave; i am so upset; i mean; fuck; it is a blow; it's fucking with peoples lives; i don't think his mole of a boss understands that! who knows what tomorrow brings....; i hope all of kwang soo's dreams come true; and wish him all the very, very best
update; seems his boss told him this morning that i was rude; hmmm; funny; i never raised my voice; didn't swear; advised her that i am not speaking with her to upset her; only that i'm trying to negotiate away; don't think she liked me telling her that there was no excuse for her ignorance with relation to the sponsorship application as ALL the information was provided to her on three occasions and that if she chose not to read the terms and conditions; then that is HER fault; and that she should reimburse kwang soo the three thousand dollars that HE spent on sponsoring him; as with the majority of work sponsors the company pays not the employee!!!!!! i'm so gunna GET them!!!!!; fucking cunts!
1 comment:
instead of North Sydney Council, write "Local Government-Member for the Ward of Priministerville"
instead of UNSW write Teriary Sector, instead of International Fund for Animal elfare write not for profit animal welfare organisation
where are you and when are you going to call me?
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