i do not know where; for i stayed where i was; with regret; mild regret; for in me there have always been two fools; among others; one asking nothing more than to stay where he is; and; the other hoping that life might be slightly less horrid a little further on. samuel beckett
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
day seventy five
arh melbourne cup weekend; booked the week off from the friday prev. to the thursday following the supposed greatest race; the race that stops the nation; ended up pissed at the olive tree hotel in sunbury that friday; saturday was in the truck up to wangaratta with matina; on our way to bright to start the ride

started off meeting my mum and dad in wangaratta; they drove us, our camping gear and bikes to bright; ate lunch and loaded up the bikes; ready for a three day bike ride back to wangaratta via lake buffalo and miliwa; arh what joyeth t'was! a beautiful early spring glorious day riding along with mt buffalo just there; matina riding along the road as we searched for nug nug camping ground approx 20ish kms from myrtleford;

approx 46 kms from bright with butts burning; the fellas sore; and matinas lady feeling like she'd been...; we arrived at nug nug; pitch our tents as far away from the dudes with all the mod. cons.; i saw a microwave; gas flame torches (lights); cars backed up; tarps stretched creating undercover tv entertainment areas; here we are in our $27 tents and therma-rests; matina had a ruff first night waking at 2am freezing; her sleeping bag (her daughters slumber party sleeping bag she used to use when she was um.. 10-12 years old) wasn't cutting it;

thank god for a public bench table; beinng the only ones at the campground without a car; and tents pitched in dirt and not grass; the public table was all ours; love my little petrol cooker; brings out the firestarter in us all;

a feast of miso soup and udon noodles

peddling through undulating green pastures on our way to lake buffalo we passed over the surprisingly named buffalo creek; such cowboy land;

and there we were; stopped for a morning tea; another opportunity to crack out the petrol cooker; lake buffalo; this is now where day two really began;

me; shagged; day two; 11km's from milawa; (our second sleeping stop - we've gone all out and pre-booked non powered sites at the caravan park;) spirits we low immediatley prior to this photo being taken; after enduring: 70 odd kms of mostly up hill; sore fellas;sore arse; tired; hungry; grumpy; drunk; wishing we were already there 60kms ago
started off meeting my mum and dad in wangaratta; they drove us, our camping gear and bikes to bright; ate lunch and loaded up the bikes; ready for a three day bike ride back to wangaratta via lake buffalo and miliwa; arh what joyeth t'was! a beautiful early spring glorious day riding along with mt buffalo just there; matina riding along the road as we searched for nug nug camping ground approx 20ish kms from myrtleford;
approx 46 kms from bright with butts burning; the fellas sore; and matinas lady feeling like she'd been...; we arrived at nug nug; pitch our tents as far away from the dudes with all the mod. cons.; i saw a microwave; gas flame torches (lights); cars backed up; tarps stretched creating undercover tv entertainment areas; here we are in our $27 tents and therma-rests; matina had a ruff first night waking at 2am freezing; her sleeping bag (her daughters slumber party sleeping bag she used to use when she was um.. 10-12 years old) wasn't cutting it;
thank god for a public bench table; beinng the only ones at the campground without a car; and tents pitched in dirt and not grass; the public table was all ours; love my little petrol cooker; brings out the firestarter in us all;
a feast of miso soup and udon noodles
peddling through undulating green pastures on our way to lake buffalo we passed over the surprisingly named buffalo creek; such cowboy land;
and there we were; stopped for a morning tea; another opportunity to crack out the petrol cooker; lake buffalo; this is now where day two really began;
me; shagged; day two; 11km's from milawa; (our second sleeping stop - we've gone all out and pre-booked non powered sites at the caravan park;) spirits we low immediatley prior to this photo being taken; after enduring: 70 odd kms of mostly up hill; sore fellas;sore arse; tired; hungry; grumpy; drunk; wishing we were already there 60kms ago
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
day seventy four
jeezarse; whoops; i fell off the face of the earth; here are some "professional" pics of some of the work in my exhibition just gone; such a long time ago! some of this work is part of a group show gardner's gallery in richmond
below; DU2; 2008; Ink on paper; &; Dr Follicle; 2008; Human hair and wood

Untitled (Slash); 2008; Acrylic on canvas; 121cm x 91cm

Untitled (Welts); 2008; Acrylic on canvas; 121cm x 91cm

Untitled (Punch); 2008; Acrylic & tissue paper on canvas; 121cm x 121cm

Untitled (Vanik); 2008; Acrylic on canvas; 121cm x 121cm
below; DU2; 2008; Ink on paper; &; Dr Follicle; 2008; Human hair and wood

Untitled (Slash); 2008; Acrylic on canvas; 121cm x 91cm

Untitled (Welts); 2008; Acrylic on canvas; 121cm x 91cm

Untitled (Punch); 2008; Acrylic & tissue paper on canvas; 121cm x 121cm

Untitled (Vanik); 2008; Acrylic on canvas; 121cm x 121cm

Tuesday, August 26, 2008
day seventy three and three quarters
PIG; 2008; Acrylic & urine on beaten leather

exhibition opening went well; knackered all the same; full on day/eve; great thing about getting on it early is that one is in bed early; think i made it to 11pm before collapsing, and not on my face

nerves were at an all time high (drunk as hell as well) whilst riding in cab to the gallery with a atomiser of piss that sat in front of the fire all night; some leaked in the cab; reason - needed to re "wet" the pig hide with piss; as i had pissed on it sunday night before the opening thinking it wouldn't dry out before the opening; alas it did; and as it was strung up i couldn't piss on it directly; so thanks to the atomiser it received a good drenching while my mates distracted the gallery attendant; floor copped a bit too;

nate & graeme all het up on beer at the opening; was good having the lads around

steve raving on; or is he singing hymns; i am not sure
exhibition opening went well; knackered all the same; full on day/eve; great thing about getting on it early is that one is in bed early; think i made it to 11pm before collapsing, and not on my face
nerves were at an all time high (drunk as hell as well) whilst riding in cab to the gallery with a atomiser of piss that sat in front of the fire all night; some leaked in the cab; reason - needed to re "wet" the pig hide with piss; as i had pissed on it sunday night before the opening thinking it wouldn't dry out before the opening; alas it did; and as it was strung up i couldn't piss on it directly; so thanks to the atomiser it received a good drenching while my mates distracted the gallery attendant; floor copped a bit too;
nate & graeme all het up on beer at the opening; was good having the lads around
steve raving on; or is he singing hymns; i am not sure
Monday, August 25, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
day seventy three
weekend full of the little things that will only take an hour but take forever; monday and what a day it's been; installation day; 9 hour time frame; fuckin' knackered; having a few well earned jars; 98% of show is up; rest will do on wednesday; photo below was taken at the end of the first two hours; that's when i had managed to get everything to the gallery and was finally able to begin installing; i need a f150
exhibition info here

a big thanks to michelle for her help; i even managed not to loose it
exhibition info here
a big thanks to michelle for her help; i even managed not to loose it
Saturday, August 09, 2008
day seventy two
opening of macarthur cook art prize; my photograph was highly commended; the image that was selected can be seen here; below a photo of me with the Managing Director; Craig Dunstan (left); Chairman; Richard Haddock (right) taken at the opening; was a great night; mark was very drunk; as we all were; catering was fantastic; matina and i ended up being forced to walk around the gallery drinking wine from a tumbler; total class;

the stunning photo below is of the award; missed out on the big cash; but was stoked that i got a mention; people responded really well to my work which was a delight

the stunning photo below is of the award; missed out on the big cash; but was stoked that i got a mention; people responded really well to my work which was a delight
Monday, August 04, 2008
day seventy one and a half
studio; all day; finished a painting; continued on another (happy so far); completed two drawings i had been working on; fucked up a painting; broke an implement; so guess after 9 hours in the studio i'm a drawing up
Sunday, August 03, 2008
day seventy
have been keeping busy with preparation for exhibition; 13 days to installation; all on track; the stress of it all made my nose bleed wine; after schizing out over pasting tissue paper on my latest canvas; all is well; all is resolved; a challenge indeed

now working on trying to make poly/cotton and/or cotton brittle; the ladies at spotlight have no idea; have tried varnish; sugar & water; alas not getting desired effect; perhaps i'll have to go with stabbing rather than kicking
marked in the line of duty; usually covered in paint patterns after a session in the studio; panayiota documented these marks below; later; met mark at my studio for video shoot; he asked concernedly what's on my head? he thought i had been bred
now working on trying to make poly/cotton and/or cotton brittle; the ladies at spotlight have no idea; have tried varnish; sugar & water; alas not getting desired effect; perhaps i'll have to go with stabbing rather than kicking
marked in the line of duty; usually covered in paint patterns after a session in the studio; panayiota documented these marks below; later; met mark at my studio for video shoot; he asked concernedly what's on my head? he thought i had been bred
Thursday, July 17, 2008
day sixty nine
Thursday, July 10, 2008
day sixty eight and a half
hey ashlee; today i flew to adelaide to see my grandmother; i am really sorry i have stuffed you around; my friend helped me move my stuff out today; good luck with everything; ps my new number is 0433717090; don't worry about the bond; keep it; quentin
dodgy number; correct number; 0419437170; prank?

above; a drawing he did; left on the desk; suicide art? or decoy? adolescent all the same; thank fuck he has gone; 3 weeks with a 17 year old house mate was enough; cops; salvos; interstate flights; church; stabbings; assault; cancer; pathological liar; just to name a few; and the worst of all; a stash ripperofferah!
currently in process of returning spare room to office; looking forward to having brendon & graham coming to stay in august; me love you long time
dodgy number; correct number; 0419437170; prank?
above; a drawing he did; left on the desk; suicide art? or decoy? adolescent all the same; thank fuck he has gone; 3 weeks with a 17 year old house mate was enough; cops; salvos; interstate flights; church; stabbings; assault; cancer; pathological liar; just to name a few; and the worst of all; a stash ripperofferah!
currently in process of returning spare room to office; looking forward to having brendon & graham coming to stay in august; me love you long time
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
day sixty eight
All Mod. Cons. digital lambda print; 65 x 50 cm; 2008 (copyright ashlee laing)

arh what a day; what a day july 9, 2008 has proven to be; a sparkle of positivity shone through all the shit of family; housemate; having locks changed; i received a phone call today to advise that a photograph of mine has been shortlisted for the macarthurcook art prize; this years theme the built environment; opens on tuesday august 5; 5-8pm; fortyfivedownstairs in flinders lane, melbourne
happy 1st birthday to my twin nephews, leonard and daniel

arh what a day; what a day july 9, 2008 has proven to be; a sparkle of positivity shone through all the shit of family; housemate; having locks changed; i received a phone call today to advise that a photograph of mine has been shortlisted for the macarthurcook art prize; this years theme the built environment; opens on tuesday august 5; 5-8pm; fortyfivedownstairs in flinders lane, melbourne
happy 1st birthday to my twin nephews, leonard and daniel
Saturday, June 28, 2008
day sixty seven and a half
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Sunday, June 08, 2008
day sixty six
the village; yarraville; twee springs to mind; mark moved there; coburg to yarraville; oh the contrast; decided to do something different; matina & i decided to go visit mark; a night out at the commercial in the village; due to driving restrictions; long weekend and all; we were forced to use public transport; and no i won't go on; i won't go on about how fucked public transport is in melbourne; actually make that australia; fuuuuuuuuuck; when are we gunna get it right? it took us 1hr 10mins by train; ok i am going on about it;

the great thing was; walking from train station to the commercial hotel; 10-15mins; through tweeville; to this; these photos i have taken below; so love the port; its a welcomed juxtaposition in tweeville; always loved a back lane; wink

rocked up at the commercial; munted & intoxicated through inhalation; as well as the fucking effort it took in relying on connex to get us there; it was a different space; "nice" change; too many drag & show bags for my liking; great location though; middle-of-nowhere; hmmm the port; met mark & his housemate mel; good times roll; yabbered on about shite; mel is canadian; here as internat. studette; like the rest of us; on the prowl for a decent rooster/boar; think she lucked out on the venue; arhahhahaah

well all good times must come to and end; our end was 11:15pm; couldn't miss the last hell train from tweeville to shity; the whole experience from pub to home; 1hr 40mins; i'm going back to drink driving & back streets; fuck all that for a fun night out! (in the background; a wee bear on his way to the laird)
the great thing was; walking from train station to the commercial hotel; 10-15mins; through tweeville; to this; these photos i have taken below; so love the port; its a welcomed juxtaposition in tweeville; always loved a back lane; wink
rocked up at the commercial; munted & intoxicated through inhalation; as well as the fucking effort it took in relying on connex to get us there; it was a different space; "nice" change; too many drag & show bags for my liking; great location though; middle-of-nowhere; hmmm the port; met mark & his housemate mel; good times roll; yabbered on about shite; mel is canadian; here as internat. studette; like the rest of us; on the prowl for a decent rooster/boar; think she lucked out on the venue; arhahhahaah
well all good times must come to and end; our end was 11:15pm; couldn't miss the last hell train from tweeville to shity; the whole experience from pub to home; 1hr 40mins; i'm going back to drink driving & back streets; fuck all that for a fun night out! (in the background; a wee bear on his way to the laird)
Saturday, June 07, 2008
day sixty five
finally; after 7 months of sitting on the kiln room shelves; there was enough other finished earthenware work to justify a firing; my beakers; complete; very happy; terracotta; coil; cobalt oxide on outside surface and clear glaze inside vessel and on lip; such great wee red wine beakers; kinda modeled from spanish sangria mugs

must confess that the ceramic process really isn't something for me; love ceramics but will leave it to those with a love of process.
must confess that the ceramic process really isn't something for me; love ceramics but will leave it to those with a love of process.
Monday, June 02, 2008
day sixty four and a half
Mum, im a fucking private school girl, i don't belong at a public school... I wanna come home i'm gonna get fucking raped here... Do you want me to fucking get pregnant?! Then you'll have to raise the kid... is that what you want?!" "Do you want me to fucking smash your porcelain collection?" "I fucking hate you... you're such a bitch!"

god -daughters' 20th b'day party; 30 Ja'mies' in one room; me; the only fella; aside from the poor cunt who turned up a quarter of the way through the night; he made it to the kitchen; chatted to ash; then legged it; matina and i outside; in the cold; smoking; pissing ourselves laughing at the princesses trying to walk in their 20" stilettos; watching it all unfold whilst dubbing summer heights high over what we thought was going on; people just kept rolling in; being smashed i legged it through the ja'mie's to get another bottle of wine; then ran upstairs to toilet; ended up in matina's room; head out the window; pleading for her to come up; as i couldn't go back down; ended up passing out on the bed with highlander blaring on the tv; woke up at 12.30am; everyone had gone out clubbing; matina informed me that the boys had been and gone; in the end i wasn't the only fella; i missed it all
god -daughters' 20th b'day party; 30 Ja'mies' in one room; me; the only fella; aside from the poor cunt who turned up a quarter of the way through the night; he made it to the kitchen; chatted to ash; then legged it; matina and i outside; in the cold; smoking; pissing ourselves laughing at the princesses trying to walk in their 20" stilettos; watching it all unfold whilst dubbing summer heights high over what we thought was going on; people just kept rolling in; being smashed i legged it through the ja'mie's to get another bottle of wine; then ran upstairs to toilet; ended up in matina's room; head out the window; pleading for her to come up; as i couldn't go back down; ended up passing out on the bed with highlander blaring on the tv; woke up at 12.30am; everyone had gone out clubbing; matina informed me that the boys had been and gone; in the end i wasn't the only fella; i missed it all
Thursday, May 29, 2008
day sixty four
i tried not to; tried not to get caught up in the bill henson thing; i don't particularily like his work; i was introduced to his work in 1991; final year of high school; i have scanned a few images of his from a book i purchased about him in 1992; i rang roslyn oxley gallery (henson's sydeny dealer) to ask whether the works confiscated were recent/new work; they replied asking me why i wanted to know; i told them; they didn't advise; understandably
bill henson
untitled sequence 1977

bill henson
untitled 1983/84

bill henson
untitled 1983/84 (panel 2 of 3)

yesterday i received a letter of support for bill henson via tolarno galleries (henson's dealer in melbourne) from creative australia 2020 summit representatives; quite lame indeed; what i did find hilarious was this "The allegations that he (henson) is making child pornography have done more to promote his work to possible paedophiles than any art gallery, where the work is seen in it's proper, contemplative context."
as long as it's in a gallery it's safe. oh the gallery, paedophiles don't go to art galleries, do they? the world has gone nuts! i mean the guy's been doing it for years. oh god! The bourgeoisie. if i'm poor and mad, i'm a crazy. if i'm rich and mad. i am eccentric.
bill henson
untitled sequence 1977

bill henson
untitled 1983/84

bill henson
untitled 1983/84 (panel 2 of 3)

yesterday i received a letter of support for bill henson via tolarno galleries (henson's dealer in melbourne) from creative australia 2020 summit representatives; quite lame indeed; what i did find hilarious was this "The allegations that he (henson) is making child pornography have done more to promote his work to possible paedophiles than any art gallery, where the work is seen in it's proper, contemplative context."
as long as it's in a gallery it's safe. oh the gallery, paedophiles don't go to art galleries, do they? the world has gone nuts! i mean the guy's been doing it for years. oh god! The bourgeoisie. if i'm poor and mad, i'm a crazy. if i'm rich and mad. i am eccentric.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
day sixty three
as the clock strikes 8pm i will go to studio and develop a working relationship with "polymer paint" rather than the swollen, ingrown hair on my jaw bone
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
day sixty two and a half
central australia; beginning in alice; 32 degrees; escaped the grey 9 of a autumn melbored day; thank you tiger; 149 dollar return flights; stayed at a hostel; 2 nights; night 1 realised we were at the racist hostel; click here for article; went to the opening of the alice prize; dud; set off for The Resort; mingle with the gayas group; rocked up to the bar; glasses of wine on bar; asked bar attendant if the drinks were free; affirmative response; 30 people or so; 95% men; ainsley remarks everyone is checking me out; smell of fried delights permeate the bar; head for the tempura delights; hoeing out; bloke approaches; who are you?; i reply; where are you from?; i reply; thinking that the scene is very underground i stumble around in conversation trying to allude to that i know that this is the gay drinks night; i had researched it on the net; the poor guy has no idea as to what i am talking about; nor the people i am referring to; it;s his work farewell party; apologise profusely; abscond to table by the pool; tempura fish & wine in hand; further discussing embarrassment with ainsley; decide to ask reception if the queers meet here; responds, no not here; i go back to the pool; finish our drinks; leave; receptionist charges out; excuse me sir, friday afternoons; wink; fuk!
we head to bo's; alice's answer for a all-in-one-bar; get sloshed; end up in taxi; with 2 strangers; crash party; pissed fuckers everywhere; kids too; pinata; met and chatted to the hosts; fun guys; sebastian with ebay wrestling mask; man after my own heart;

checkout of racist hostel; hungover; walk to car rental; to pick up 4WD; pictured below; well not quite what we had in mind; but beggars can be choosers now, can they? try and get lost in that camper; didn't make it to the ute muster; not sure i wanted to turn up in the japanese-esq runabout;
we ran out of petrol on the first day; hailed a passing camper van; frenchies; happened to have 20 litres of fuel; opal fuel infact; paid them 20 dollars; off we went; 40 kms from curtain springs; refueled and bank down there for the night; where ainsley and two other tent occupants were harassed all night by a randy emu; tents were ripped.

uluru, kata tjuta and kings canyon; mindblowing; i didn't think i would connect; didn't think i would get it; but, fuck what amazing places; so much to learn; so little time;
on the last day; arrived back in alice; headed to emily and jessie gap; again what can i say; other than amazing; rocks rock; the rock paintings below; taken at emily gap; paintings depict caterpillar dreaming

and heres me on the last night; in me 27 dollar tent
we head to bo's; alice's answer for a all-in-one-bar; get sloshed; end up in taxi; with 2 strangers; crash party; pissed fuckers everywhere; kids too; pinata; met and chatted to the hosts; fun guys; sebastian with ebay wrestling mask; man after my own heart;
checkout of racist hostel; hungover; walk to car rental; to pick up 4WD; pictured below; well not quite what we had in mind; but beggars can be choosers now, can they? try and get lost in that camper; didn't make it to the ute muster; not sure i wanted to turn up in the japanese-esq runabout;
we ran out of petrol on the first day; hailed a passing camper van; frenchies; happened to have 20 litres of fuel; opal fuel infact; paid them 20 dollars; off we went; 40 kms from curtain springs; refueled and bank down there for the night; where ainsley and two other tent occupants were harassed all night by a randy emu; tents were ripped.
uluru, kata tjuta and kings canyon; mindblowing; i didn't think i would connect; didn't think i would get it; but, fuck what amazing places; so much to learn; so little time;
on the last day; arrived back in alice; headed to emily and jessie gap; again what can i say; other than amazing; rocks rock; the rock paintings below; taken at emily gap; paintings depict caterpillar dreaming
and heres me on the last night; in me 27 dollar tent
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
day sixty two
boo hoo; i didn't win the alice prize; disappointed naturally; i understand why; it was time the alice foundation had a digital a/v-based work in their collection; as the award is acquisitive; the work that won; is of this ilk; a simple projection; at bad resolution; all the gallery needs to do is plug in and turn on; mine-too much fiddling; i stood around my work; listening to punters comments/reactions; repulsion; interest ; amazement being the commonly heard; was chuffed that some people were so disturbed that they couldn't look at it; for this presentation of the installation i projected into sump oil filled 44 gallon drums; the oil was filled to 3/4 so people had to look in; was a very different aesthetic; causing very different response to the initial presentation in Melbourne back in July 2007 where i had projected into water-filled wooden hot-tubs;
best thing was ainsley and i went of 3 day road trip in the desert; uluru; kata tjuta; kings canyon; annes gap; jessies gap; fucking amazing!
below is a still of the wining work; Icus; Pip McManus; DVD; 55 mins; Pip is an Alice Springs local; the work is a ceramic piece placed in water and she filmed (video) it's disintegration; i remember seeing this type of work in 90's by an american ceramicist;

35th Alice Prize 2008 - Judge's Review (excerpt)
Pip McManus’s DVD Ichor [The ethereal fluid flowing in the veins of the gods, but poisonous to mortals], was for me, the stand out work. In this hour long DVD, an androgynous ancient-looking ceramic figure, to the perfect accompaniment of a cello, slowly fragments until it collapses into the earth from which it derives. Transformational and compelling, Ichor is also a work of great beauty, integrity and lasting visual impact and one which demonstrates McManus’s practice as a ceramacist developing in new and exciting realms. It is a very fine work of international standard.
best thing was ainsley and i went of 3 day road trip in the desert; uluru; kata tjuta; kings canyon; annes gap; jessies gap; fucking amazing!
below is a still of the wining work; Icus; Pip McManus; DVD; 55 mins; Pip is an Alice Springs local; the work is a ceramic piece placed in water and she filmed (video) it's disintegration; i remember seeing this type of work in 90's by an american ceramicist;

35th Alice Prize 2008 - Judge's Review (excerpt)
Pip McManus’s DVD Ichor [The ethereal fluid flowing in the veins of the gods, but poisonous to mortals], was for me, the stand out work. In this hour long DVD, an androgynous ancient-looking ceramic figure, to the perfect accompaniment of a cello, slowly fragments until it collapses into the earth from which it derives. Transformational and compelling, Ichor is also a work of great beauty, integrity and lasting visual impact and one which demonstrates McManus’s practice as a ceramacist developing in new and exciting realms. It is a very fine work of international standard.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
day sixty one
Sunday, April 27, 2008
day sixty
some where; outskirts; alice springs (pictured below); spent two nights in alice; april 15-17; hell trip; had a hideous flu; stayed in backpackers; man what was i thinking?; jeezarse! had to drop off my work to araluen galleries; installation was short listed for the alice prize this year; see blog entry day thirty one and a half on my blog for images;

am heading back up to alice; may 1; with ainslie; exhibition opens friday may 2; then 4 day camping trip; uluru; olgas; kings canyon; bought a new tent; hmmmm chip sandwiches; no showers; good thing is there is a ute muster in the desert on the sunday; yeeeeeeeeeeharrrrrrrr!
copy of artist statement for catalogue;
Night Time is for the Boy who can Fly explores physical and psychological space, particularly the ‘prisons’ people find their cultures have made for them and that they make for themselves.
This installation was first shown at Bus Gallery in Melbourne and originally consisted of three handcrafted wooden hot tubs filled with water. Data projectors were mounted on the gallery ceiling and projected video images onto the surface of the water in the tubs.
I developed the installation after living in Korea and researching the globalisation of sexuality - I became interested in the effects of western queer culture on NE Asia. I have used objects (wooden hot tubs) found in a variety cultures to represent public and private space and the ways these objects/spaces are adapted locally and individually.
The video has three scenes or episodes. Three actors improvise being captured underwater in the tubs. The actor’s movements are restricted by the space they ‘occupy’ in the hot tub. It’s a metaphor for the boundaries forced on individuals by their culture, sub-culture and identity.
For the 35th Alice Prize, I have reconfigured an alternative presentation of this installation with reference to Dante’s Inferno.
In this installation, two scenes or episodes are projected from data projectors mounted on the gallery ceiling into oil drums. The metaphor for imprisonment remains, although in a different form with different cultural and sub-cultural references.
am heading back up to alice; may 1; with ainslie; exhibition opens friday may 2; then 4 day camping trip; uluru; olgas; kings canyon; bought a new tent; hmmmm chip sandwiches; no showers; good thing is there is a ute muster in the desert on the sunday; yeeeeeeeeeeharrrrrrrr!
copy of artist statement for catalogue;
Night Time is for the Boy who can Fly explores physical and psychological space, particularly the ‘prisons’ people find their cultures have made for them and that they make for themselves.
This installation was first shown at Bus Gallery in Melbourne and originally consisted of three handcrafted wooden hot tubs filled with water. Data projectors were mounted on the gallery ceiling and projected video images onto the surface of the water in the tubs.
I developed the installation after living in Korea and researching the globalisation of sexuality - I became interested in the effects of western queer culture on NE Asia. I have used objects (wooden hot tubs) found in a variety cultures to represent public and private space and the ways these objects/spaces are adapted locally and individually.
The video has three scenes or episodes. Three actors improvise being captured underwater in the tubs. The actor’s movements are restricted by the space they ‘occupy’ in the hot tub. It’s a metaphor for the boundaries forced on individuals by their culture, sub-culture and identity.
For the 35th Alice Prize, I have reconfigured an alternative presentation of this installation with reference to Dante’s Inferno.
In this installation, two scenes or episodes are projected from data projectors mounted on the gallery ceiling into oil drums. The metaphor for imprisonment remains, although in a different form with different cultural and sub-cultural references.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
day fifty nine
some works; in progress; painting exhibition; red gallery; fitzroy; opens august 21; working on gestural abstraction; not painting with brushes; mark making; using whips and the like that i have created; using bike tubes; old leather trousers; electrical wire; string; faux fur; belts; and my hand
this one below; acrylic on canvas; created using a leather belt

this body of work i am currently working on will be show under the title of "The Mark Maketh The Man"; the impetus for this new work is derived from an interest relating to mark making on the body as a sexual practice;
below; acrylic and shiraz on canvas; created using whip-like object made from electrical wire

it was intended that each work be created using only one of the objects i had made; but whilst working with them the process has developed and hence presented alternative possible outcomes; these works are experimental in the way in which they are created;
this one below; acrylic on rag paper; created using a leather belt

the psychology behind the works is that of re-enacting the act and visual outcome of belting. the works are whipped, spanked; belted using fetishised objects that i have created and will exhibit with the work. when working on a painting i use a variety of similar techniques, velocity, puissance; that one may use in this kind of sexual play
i welcome your feed back; leave comments by clicking "comments" at the bottom of this entry; cheers
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this one below; acrylic on canvas; created using a leather belt
this body of work i am currently working on will be show under the title of "The Mark Maketh The Man"; the impetus for this new work is derived from an interest relating to mark making on the body as a sexual practice;
below; acrylic and shiraz on canvas; created using whip-like object made from electrical wire
it was intended that each work be created using only one of the objects i had made; but whilst working with them the process has developed and hence presented alternative possible outcomes; these works are experimental in the way in which they are created;
this one below; acrylic on rag paper; created using a leather belt
the psychology behind the works is that of re-enacting the act and visual outcome of belting. the works are whipped, spanked; belted using fetishised objects that i have created and will exhibit with the work. when working on a painting i use a variety of similar techniques, velocity, puissance; that one may use in this kind of sexual play
i welcome your feed back; leave comments by clicking "comments" at the bottom of this entry; cheers
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